
Learn more about the internal quality assurance systems at the UB to meet the standards demanded by the EHEA.

The Doctoral School is responsible for quality in the area of doctoral studies; this is overseen by the Quality Committee, which receives guidance and support from the Agency for Policy and Quality.  

The UB has a long tradition of developing institutional tools to assure the internal quality of its courses. The UB strives to satisfy the needs and expectations of the university community and society in general. To achieve this, it undertakes to dedicate all the necessary effort and

the appropriate mechanisms to ensure the quality of its activities (teaching, research and management)

Internal quality assurance system (SAIQU-EDUB)

The University of Barcelona has a long tradition of developing institutional tools to assure the internal quality of its courses. The internal quality assurance system (IQAS-UB) takes into consideration the directives on the design of official bachelor's and master's degree programmes issued by the Spanish Ministry of Universities, the guidelines of AQU Catalunya, and the general criteria and guidelines on quality employed in the European Higher Education Area (ESG, 2015).

The IQAS-UB model is a university-wide model adopted by each faculty and also by the Doctoral School. The Doctoral School of the University of Barcelona (EDUB) is responsible for the academic and administrative organization of doctoral programmes and activities, in all areas of knowledge, leading to the award of the doctoral degree, promoting excellence, visibility and internationalization. In the general framework of its contribution to improvement, social progress and economic development, it promotes academic excellence in the training of doctoral students, oriented towards the generation and transfer of knowledge.

The EDUB Quality Policy and the procedures for quality assurance are geared towards promoting a culture of quality, understood as an attitude that must permeate each and every one of the EDUB's activities. They entail a commitment to implementing processes for monitoring and continuous improvement, and addressing the challenge of developing common tools for the internal quality management of doctoral programmes.

Verificació, seguiment, modificació i acreditació (VSMA)
Totes les titulacions oficials universitàries han de passar pel procés de VSMA per garantir la qualitat i excel·lència necessària per oferir els millors estudis als nostres estudiants. L'Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU Catalunya) publica tota la informació sobre la qualitat dels estudis universitaris de Catalunya. El web Estudis Universitaris de Catalunya posa a disposició de la societat els informes d'avaluació d'AQU Catalunya dels ensenyaments universitaris oficials dins el marc VSMA.

Dades i indicadors
En aquest apartat pots consultar diferent informació vinculada amb els programes de doctorat oferts per l'Escola. La informació proporcionada està vinculada amb la matrícula anual, els resultats de les tesis, les enquestes de satisfacció dels diferents col·lectius vinculats amb el doctorat i els estudis d'inserció laboral dels doctorands de la Universitat.