
A collegiate body that, within the structure of the Doctoral School, assumes the powers delegated to it by the Management Committee.

The Standing Committee is made up of the following members:

  • The Director
  • Nine members proposed by the management team, subject to approval by the Management Committee: five coordinators (representing the different branches of knowledge), three faculty representatives and two student representatives.
  • The Administrator and Technical Secretary of the EDUB

This body oversee the implementation of quality processes at the EDUB and across all doctoral programmes offered at the University of Barcelona.


  • The Director of the EDUB, or their delegated representative.
  • Eight members proposed by the management teams and ratified by the Management Committee, to include three doctoral programme coordinators and five faculty representatives.
  • A representative of the doctoral students, chosen directly by the Doctoral Student Council.
  • The Technical Secretary of the EDUB.
  • A member of the PTGAS responsible for tasks concerning quality at the EDUB.
  1.  Maribel Peró Cebollero: Director of the EDUB
  2. Neus Carbó Carbó: representative of Biology
  3. Jaume Carbonell Guberna: representative of Geography and History
  4. Antonio di Paolo: representative of Economics and Business
  5. Irene García Cano: representative of Chemistry
  6. Maria Begoña Román: representative of Philosophy
  7. Andrés Farran Codina: representative and coordinator of the Food and Nutrition programme
  8. Marta Gracia Garcia: representative and coordinator of the Educational Psychology programme
  9. Carles Mancho Suárez: representative and coordinator of the Medieval Cultures programme
  10. Eduardo Antonio Montes: representative of doctoral researchers
  11. Carme Castro Arias: Technical Secretary of the EDUB
  12. Marta García Lorenzo: Quality specialist

This is a representative body for the UB's community of predoctoral researchers, responsible for defending their interests across all of the EDUB's various administrative bodies. It is also a channel for communication with the representatives of the different doctoral programmes to clarify doubts about the development of the School's activities.

The Council is formed by a representative for each doctoral programme, who will liaise with the other administrative bodies of the EDUB.