A conference at the University of Barcelona to analyse the crisis of the peasantry on 3 April
A conference at the University of Barcelona will analyse the current crisis of the Catalan peasantry. Researchers of the UB, political representatives and leading agents from the field of agriculture will meet on 3 April at 4.00 p.m. at the Aula Magna of the UB’s Faculty of Biology to provide reflections and potential solutions to the current state of the agricultural sector in Catalonia, in the context of recent mobilizations that have occurred.
A conference at the University of Barcelona will analyse the current crisis of the Catalan peasantry. Researchers of the UB, political representatives and leading agents from the field of agriculture will meet on 3 April at 4.00 p.m. at the Aula Magna of the UB’s Faculty of Biology to provide reflections and potential solutions to the current state of the agricultural sector in Catalonia, in the context of recent mobilizations that have occurred.
The scientific session, organized by the UB’s Global Sustainability Hub, will be opened by the rector of the University of Barcelona, Joan Guàrdia, and the dean of the UB’s Faculty of Biology and coordinator of the Hub, Rosina Gironès.
Maria del Carmen Llasat, profesor of Applied Physics at the UB and expert on natural hazards and climate change, will talk about the climate and hydric scenarios for the next fifty years in the Mediterranean area, which will impact the agricultural sector. Joan Caball, coordinator of the Peasantry Union, will talk about the current limits of peasantry in profitability and sustainability. Enric Tello and Ana Moragues, researchers at the Department of Economic History, Institutions, Policies and World Economy and members of the Food and Action Research Observatory (FARO), will talk about solutions to make food production sustainable and profitable. Then, F. Xavier Sans, from the UB’s Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences and the UB’s Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) will discuss the relationship between agriculture and biodiversity.
Elisenda Guillaumes, director general of Agriculture and Farming, will speak on behalf of the Government of Catalonia and will analyse the role of the administration and management of food production in adapting to the ecological transition.
Finally, there will be a roundtable with the contribution of personalities and representatives of the agricultural sector, such as Montse Lligadas, agro-territorial dynamization technician of the Baix Llobregat Regional Council; Germán Domínguez, farmer of the Baix Llobregat Agricultural Park; Imma Puigcorbé, veterinarian and farmer, representative of Plataforma Pagesa, and Jordi Ginebreda, cook and livestock farmer of Pla de l'Estany. Teresa Sauras, vice-rector for Sustainability and Climate Action, will chair the roundtable.
The Global Sustainability Hub
The UB’s Global Sustainability Hub gathers the academic and technical staff of over one hundred research groups that work in areas related to global sustainability.