UB current events
Highlights All the news
The University of Barcelona participates in the European Researchers’ Night with the Science Cafés, dialogues on current affairs between researchers and the public
The first Science Café will take place on Wednesday 25 September, under the title “Més enllà del sol i del vent” (Beyond the sun and the wind).
The University of Barcelona and Avinent join forces in digital dentistry
The collaboration between the two institutions includes training and research activities in the fields of implantology, bone regeneration, prosthetics, digital dentistry and orthodontics.
Catalonia Quantum Academy: building a solid educational foundation for the quantum future
It is a new training platform that brings together Catalonia’s consolidated quantum education programmes and new learning opportunities for students from degree level upwards.
The European Innovation Council funds two UB projects to develop cutting-edge technologies
The teams led by Marta Estrader and Josep Puigmartí Luis, from the Faculty of Chemistry, promote technologies to remotely detect contamination in water and to improve cell alignment in tissue bioprinting, respectively.
Agenda All the activities
Aranese courses for the first semester of the academic year 2024-2025
Lliçó inaugural del curs 2024-2025 i acte institucional de commemoració dels 50 anys de la Facultat de Matemàtiques i Informàtica
New edition of the Scientific Illustration course: mammals, botany, mycology and entomology
The news, in video All the videos of the University, on UBtv
Starting university: passion, excellence, curiosity and self-improvement
Welcome to the University of Barcelona!
Our motto is “Som UB” (we are UB), because the University of Barcelona will be a part of your lives from now on, as you begin your studies, and for the rest of the time ahead of you. With more than 500 years of history, the UB is a leader in technology and innovation: with state-of-the-art digital classrooms and the first university e-sports competition. Leaders in research and education, with an intense cultural life, committed to the values that define our society. Welcome to the UB!
Aranese courses at the University of Barcelona 2024-2025
Video to publicize the Aranese courses offered by the University of Barcelona's Language Services during the first semester of the academic year 2024-2025.
Marisa Sotelo, professor of Spanish Literature
On the verge of retirement, Sotelo reviews her extensive academic career marked by the study of literature and the development of several management positions.
The University, in podcast All the podcast
What you wanted to know about Tiktok UB and we haven’t told you yet
‘Llengües a tocar’, the new GELA podcast
We talk to Mònica Barrieras and Pere Comellas, members of the Endangered Languages Study Group (GELA), about their work and the new project they are about to launch: Llengües a tocar, an informative podcast to raise awareness about the more than 300 languages spoken in Catalonia.
Els Vespres d’Estiu are back at the Historic Building
The University of Barcelona’s season of open-air concerts returns to the garden of the Historic Building. This year’s line-up includes four free concerts by emerging artists and a musical performance by the winners of the Sona UB music competition.
The secrets of J. A. Bayona's 'Society of the Snow'
We speak with Endika Rey, author of the book ‘La sociedad de la nieve. Así se hizo la película’ and lecturer at the University of Barcelona. Endika tells us the secret of this film, which will go down in film history as one of the most awarded films at all levels.