The researcher Carles Mas wins the 15th University of Barcelona Doctors” Senate Award

Carles Mas has been awarded for his thesis
Carles Mas has been awarded for his thesis "Design and synthesis of peptides that neutralize bacterial endotoxins as therapeutic agents for the treatment of sepsis".

The 15th University of Barcelona Doctorsʼ Senate Award has been won by Carles Mas for his thesis Design and synthesis of peptides that neutralize bacterial endotoxins as therapeutic agents for the treatment of sepsis, directed by Fernando Albericio, full professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry and General Manager of the Barcelona Science Park. Mas is currently a researcher at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Carles Mas has been awarded for his thesis
Carles Mas has been awarded for his thesis "Design and synthesis of peptides that neutralize bacterial endotoxins as therapeutic agents for the treatment of sepsis".

The 15th University of Barcelona Doctorsʼ Senate Award has been won by Carles Mas for his thesis Design and synthesis of peptides that neutralize bacterial endotoxins as therapeutic agents for the treatment of sepsis, directed by Fernando Albericio, full professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry and General Manager of the Barcelona Science Park. Mas is currently a researcher at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

The fifteenth edition of the award, for which the winner will receive 5,000 euros, was open to all doctoral students who made the public defence of their theses at the University of Barcelona during 2009. A total of 97 candidates from different areas and specializations were considered, whose work covered practically all of the science and humanities disciplines offered at the UB.
This year, the jury also decided to award two second prizes, the winners of which will receive 2,000 euros each. The first is awarded to Blanca Molins, for her thesis Mecanismes de formació del trombe en condicions de flux arterial: efecte de la proteïna C reactiva i de la rosuvastatina, co-directed by Carles Mendieta, a lecturer from the Department of Dentistry and Stomatology, and Lina Badimon, director of the Cardiovascular Research Center (CSIC-ICCC), and supervised by Santiago Ambrosio, lecturer from the Department of Physiological Sciences. The second goes to Núria Sara Miras, for her thesis Wittgenstein y Gadamer: lenguaje, praxis, razón. El problema del pluralismo a través de la filosofía del lenguaje,directed by José Manuel Bermudo, full professor at the Department of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy.
Special diplomas will be given to the authors of the other theses that made the final shortlist for this yearʼs award: Jaume Pellicer, for the thesis Sistemàtica i filogènia dʼArtemisia i gèneres relacionats: una aproximació citogenètica i molecular amb especial èmfasi en el subgènere Dracunculus, co-directed by Joan Vallès, full professor at the Department of Natural Products, Plant Biology and Edaphology, and Teresa Garnatje, a researcher for the same department; and Biel Obrador, for the thesis Environmental shaping and carbon cycling in a macrophyte-dominated Mediterranean coastal lagoon, directed by Joan Lluís Pretus, full professor at the Department of Ecology.
The prize jury for the Doctorsʼ Senate award, with the rector of the UB, Dídac Ramírez, as president, comprises the UB professors and lecturers Joan Bosch, vice-president of the Doctorsʼ Senate, and Mireia Freixa, José Gaspar Lorén, Ramón Estruch, Joan Aguilar, Miquel Martínez, José Manuel Parra, Xavier M. Triadó, and Jaume Mascaró, who acted as jury secretary.
The jury was keen to stress the quality and scientific impact of the theses submitted to this yearʼs edition of the award, many of which were individually honoured by the doctoral committees of the faculties by which they were overseen. The fundamental goal of the Doctorsʼ Senate Award is to officially acknowledge those doctoral theses read and defended at the UB which make particularly valuable contributions to scientific progress and the advancement of human knowledge.
The annual award, introduced in 1997, is one of the most important activities organized by the Doctorsʼ Senate and aims to give support and recognition to the work of students who successfully complete their doctoral studies at the University of Barcelona, as well as achieving broader academic and public recognition for the doctoral qualification, which is the highest academic honour awarded to university students.
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