Work meetings between the Rector’s Office and the members of the university community in each faculty
The Rectorʼs Office, led by the rector Joan Guàrdia, started a series of meetings in the different faculties of the UB. These have a dual goal: on the one hand, to share the strategy and priorities of the new governing team to the university community in each centre, and on the other, to make an analysis of the current situation of the UB gathering the realities, needs and proposals by the people who build up each faculty.
The Rectorʼs Office, led by the rector Joan Guàrdia, started a series of meetings in the different faculties of the UB. These have a dual goal: on the one hand, to share the strategy and priorities of the new governing team to the university community in each centre, and on the other, to make an analysis of the current situation of the UB gathering the realities, needs and proposals by the people who build up each faculty.
During these meetings, the members of the Rectorʼs Office will meet the representatives of several TRS collectives: the Deanʼs Office, heads of department, coordinators of masterʼs and doctoral degrees, etc.; AdSS collectives, such as heads of the centresʼ administrations and students, in this case, the representatives of the faculty boards. Depending on the casuistry of each centre, these interlocutors with the Rectorʼs Office can change.
There are three issues to be worked on as priority ideas in these meetings. The first is the challenge to adapt the administration and political culture of the institutions to the needs and possibilities of the 21st century, starting with digitalization. The second one is to strengthen the idea of UB community, with a major integration of TRS and AdSS and the students in all levels of generation, transfer and knowledge transfer of the University. The third issue to be worked on is the definition of mid and long-term strategies in the fundamental organizational ideas of the UB. Specifically, the creation of a teaching staff plan that defines the necessary staff to guarantee, consolidate and expand the excellent teaching, research and transfer of the UB.