The Women 360º Congress addresses sustainability and women's leadership as transformational axes

News | Institutional | Equality

The 23rd edition of the Women 360º Congress brought together on 8 November, at the Paranymph Gallery of the University of Barcelona, more than 200 leading professionals from the health sector, companies, and institutions committed to sustainability and the environment.

News | Institutional | Equality

The 23rd edition of the Women 360º Congress brought together on 8 November, at the Paranymph Gallery of the University of Barcelona, more than 200 leading professionals from the health sector, companies, and institutions committed to sustainability and the environment.

In this edition of the Women 360º Congress, which had as its theme "The power of corporate sustainability: transforming companies, changing the world", the director of the congress, Rosa Cuscó, commented: "In a world where prevention has become a fundamental pillar for our future, the positive impact we wish to create depends on each one of us. It is time to act and lead the change towards a more sustainable and healthier world for all."

Montserrat Puig, vice-rector for Equal Opportunities and Gender at the UB, noted that "it is necessary to claim sustainability at the core of business strategy, prioritizing environmental and social responsibility and incorporating the gender perspective in all its policies”. “Women leaders have a more global and realistic vision to see gender inequalities and discrimination, which continue to hinder us, and to create healthier and more sustainable companies", she said.

Guillem Íñiguez, director general of the UB Institute for Lifelong Learning (IL3-UB), stressed that platforms such as the Women 360º Congress help to drive change and promote female leadership at all levels of society and business. For the fifth consecutive year, the Congress on Health, Wellbeing and Business for Executives and Businesswomen is co-organized by the University of Barcelona's Institute for Lifelong Learning (IL3-UB). 

Women's leadership, a driving force for a more sustainable and equitable world

The conference included several roundtables on topics such as the role of female leadership in social and business sustainability, the effects of the environment on health, sustainability and the balance between the business and personal spheres.

In the closing ceremony, the rector of the UB, Joan Guàrdia, stressed the “impressive” transformative power of education, which he described as "the best vaccine against ignorance". He also emphasized that "the future is written in feminine or it will not be written", stressing the fundamental role of women in the construction of a more egalitarian and promising tomorrow.

Further information.