UB start-up HumanITcare, awarded at the Mobile World Congress
The UB start-up HumanITcare has been awarded the 4YFN Prize in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This is one of the most relevant awards in the start-up sector, which gives an international support to the awardee.
The UB start-up HumanITcare has been awarded the 4YFN Prize in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This is one of the most relevant awards in the start-up sector, which gives an international support to the awardee.
HumanITcare, born in StartUB!, was created in 2018. It commercializes a platform for the remote monitoring of patients. At the moment, it is working with more than twenty hospitals. HumanITcare can be connected to a great range of devices: tensiometers, pulse oximeters, scales, glucometers and so on. It also includes a system of customized forms to collect subjective magnitudes on the patientsʼ quality of life.
The UB has taken part in 4 Years From Now (4YFN), a platform dedicated to start-ups and entrepreneurship in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The University of Barcelona is there through StartUB!, its unit for promoting entrepreneurship among students, and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, its office for knowledge transfer and technology to promote the creation of innovative businesses and start-ups among the research staff. In the 4YFN space for the UB, there is a stand for the spin-offs Gate2Brain and Colosensing, and eight start-ups created in StartUB!: Benesit, Alta Guardia, Omashu, Pro1.trading, Loop Diagnostics, Marvut Technologies, Filmo and HumanITcare.
The vice-rector for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transfer of the UB, Mercè Segerra, noted: “At the UB and the Vice-rectorʼs Office of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transfer, we are proud for a business that has been built in our StartUB!, in this system we have to value entrepreneurs within the university, to have received this award. The prize gives HumanITcare a great visibility at all levels. We believe this is the path we must follow at the University, next to our entrepreneurs reaching milestones like these”.
You can find information on HumanITcare and other start-ups built at StartUB! in this article.