The UB remembers the teaching legacy and personal quality of Albert Cornet

Act of tribute to Professor Cornet
Yesterday, 4 December, the University of Barcelona commemorated the legacy of Professor of Electronics Albert Cornet, who passed away on 2 December 2022. The audience filled the Aula Magna of the Historic Building in a moving ceremony in which prominent members of the university community highlighted Cornet's ground-breaking contributions to the teaching field.

Act of tribute to Professor Cornet
Yesterday, 4 December, the University of Barcelona commemorated the legacy of Professor of Electronics Albert Cornet, who passed away on 2 December 2022. The audience filled the Aula Magna of the Historic Building in a moving ceremony in which prominent members of the university community highlighted Cornet's ground-breaking contributions to the teaching field.
The event was led by Pere Serra, Vice-Dean of Students and Quality of the Faculty of Physics, who proposed naming a space in the Faculty after Professor Cornet. "He has been one of the people who has contributed the most to making us all feel at home in the faculty. There is a cliché that, in Albert's case, is appropriate: we will miss your smile", said the vice-dean. For his part, the rector of the UB, Joan Guàrdia, tenderly addressed the honouree to explain: "It has occurred to us that we will name one of the teaching quality awards after you. You see how important it is what you have done with your students".
Also taking part in the commemoration of Professor Cornet was professor emeritus Claudi Mans, who explained: "One of the things I remember with the greatest joy about him was the renovation of the internships we did". Along the same lines, the former Vice-Rector for Teaching and Science Policy Maria Teresa Anguera emphasised: "He had lots of ideas, he was very keen on teaching innovation. I will remember him as an intelligent, active person... who made everything difficult easy.
Maria Rosa Buxarrais, head researcher of the Moral Education Research Group (GREM), acknowledged that Professor Cornet's parting "left an immense void", and said: "His legacy lives on because he was a pioneer. He wanted to make all teachers aware of how we teach; he had an enthusiasm that was contagious". The rector’s delegate for Open Science, Ignasi Labastida, agreed in underlining Professor Cornet's enthusiasm and desire to work: "He knew how to listen. He has been a point of reference, not only for his teaching but also as a person".
Finally, the head of the Technical Office of Teaching Projects and Services, Jordi Pardo, used a metaphor to explain Cornet's way of doing things: "He was a gardener, he knew where to put you and what fertiliser to give you so that you could grow". His last doctoral student, Gemma Martín, insisted on the "importance of carrying on his legacy, thinking beyond ourselves, thinking about the common good". As a representative of the Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering, Atilà Herms closed the speeches by saying: "In the Department we were a family, Albert had the unifying effect of creating a network. He had a good atmosphere, and it will continue to be so because he left a seed".
Ester Cornet, daughter of the honouree, addressed the audience, also on behalf of her mother and sister, to thank the university community for continuing to remember her father. The ceremony finished with a dance by the Ball de Gitanes de Castellar del Vallès, the town where Professor Cornet was born.
Also taking part in the commemoration of Professor Cornet was professor emeritus Claudi Mans, who explained: "One of the things I remember with the greatest joy about him was the renovation of the internships we did". Along the same lines, the former Vice-Rector for Teaching and Science Policy Maria Teresa Anguera emphasised: "He had lots of ideas, he was very keen on teaching innovation. I will remember him as an intelligent, active person... who made everything difficult easy.
Maria Rosa Buxarrais, head researcher of the Moral Education Research Group (GREM), acknowledged that Professor Cornet's parting "left an immense void", and said: "His legacy lives on because he was a pioneer. He wanted to make all teachers aware of how we teach; he had an enthusiasm that was contagious". The rector’s delegate for Open Science, Ignasi Labastida, agreed in underlining Professor Cornet's enthusiasm and desire to work: "He knew how to listen. He has been a point of reference, not only for his teaching but also as a person".
Finally, the head of the Technical Office of Teaching Projects and Services, Jordi Pardo, used a metaphor to explain Cornet's way of doing things: "He was a gardener, he knew where to put you and what fertiliser to give you so that you could grow". His last doctoral student, Gemma Martín, insisted on the "importance of carrying on his legacy, thinking beyond ourselves, thinking about the common good". As a representative of the Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering, Atilà Herms closed the speeches by saying: "In the Department we were a family, Albert had the unifying effect of creating a network. He had a good atmosphere, and it will continue to be so because he left a seed".
Ester Cornet, daughter of the honouree, addressed the audience, also on behalf of her mother and sister, to thank the university community for continuing to remember her father. The ceremony finished with a dance by the Ball de Gitanes de Castellar del Vallès, the town where Professor Cornet was born.
Albert Cornet i Calveras held the position of Rector's Delegate for Teaching Innovation and led the UB's Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering. In 2021 he received the Board of Trustees’ Award for teaching quality for his career, aimed at the constant improvement of learning.