The University of Barcelona holds the 154th position worldwide in the Rankometer 2022


The University of Barcelona holds the 154th place worldwide and 63rd at the European scale in the last edition of the Rankometer. These results confirm it is the leading Spanish institution in the rankings. The Rankometer 2022 is a ranking combining the results of the five most popular international rankings: the QS World University Rankings (United Kingdom), the Shanghai Ranking (China), the THE Times Higher Education (United Kingdom), the CWTS Leiden Ranking (Netherlands) and the Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities (Spain). Rankometer is regarded as a very useful tool for identifying those universities with the highest reputation and quality worldwide.

The UB is followed by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (185th) and the Pompeu Fabra University (199), both among the top 200 worldwide. The three first positions in the ranking are held by the North American universities of Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford. The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge hold the 4th and 5th positions, respectively.  

The Rankometer provides data on the top 500 academic institutions worldwide using the positions they hold in each of the mentioned five rankings. For further information on the methodology of this list, please visit the website. 




The University of Barcelona holds the 154th place worldwide and 63rd at the European scale in the last edition of the Rankometer. These results confirm it is the leading Spanish institution in the rankings. The Rankometer 2022 is a ranking combining the results of the five most popular international rankings: the QS World University Rankings (United Kingdom), the Shanghai Ranking (China), the THE Times Higher Education (United Kingdom), the CWTS Leiden Ranking (Netherlands) and the Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities (Spain). Rankometer is regarded as a very useful tool for identifying those universities with the highest reputation and quality worldwide.

The UB is followed by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (185th) and the Pompeu Fabra University (199), both among the top 200 worldwide. The three first positions in the ranking are held by the North American universities of Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford. The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge hold the 4th and 5th positions, respectively.  

The Rankometer provides data on the top 500 academic institutions worldwide using the positions they hold in each of the mentioned five rankings. For further information on the methodology of this list, please visit the website.