The UB, more present in Latin America

A UB delegation was in Colombia in March to maintain contact with several Latin American centres and take part in the general assembly of the Ibero-American Association of Postgraduate Universities (AUIP). In the Meeting, the UB has taken more responsibilities within the framework of this association, María Cristina Sanz, rectorʼs delegate for the outreach of the postgraduate studies and permanent training, has been appointed coordinator of the nineteen regional directions in AUIP in twelve different states.

A UB delegation was in Colombia in March to maintain contact with several Latin American centres and take part in the general assembly of the Ibero-American Association of Postgraduate Universities (AUIP). In the Meeting, the UB has taken more responsibilities within the framework of this association, María Cristina Sanz, rectorʼs delegate for the outreach of the postgraduate studies and permanent training, has been appointed coordinator of the nineteen regional directions in AUIP in twelve different states.
AUIP is the reference network in Latin America for the collaboration between universities regarding postgraduate and doctoral studies. The UB joined them in 2004 and has been very active since then. It has taught masterʼs degrees in collaboration with other universities with the support from the association, and has taken part in the design of the assessment guidelines for the AUIP programs and has been part of the evaluation committees of research networks, awards and requests from technical missions, among others. Four international research networks coordinated by the UB have received grants by AIUP and the students of the universities in this network could apply for grants to course UB-specific degrees. Now, with her new position, UB lecturer María Cristina Sanz will work for the promotion of the collaboration between the regional directions of the association as well as its role regarding general management.
Meetings with university representatives
The UB delegation, headed by the rector Joan Guàrdia, took part in the general assembly and the executive committee of AIUP, which took place in Barranquilla. The meeting held the award ceremony for the AIUP awards to quality of master and doctoral programs and to the masterʼs final projects and doctoral theses related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Parallelly, the UB delegation held bilateral meetings with several universities. In particular, with representatives of the Colombian centres Pontifical Xavierian University in Bogota, Externado University, National University of Colombia, National University of Rosario, University of the Andes, Universidad del Norte, University Simón Bolivar, University of Antioquia and University of Valle. The meetings with these institutions treated topics such as potential collaboration routes in the fields of research and doctoral studies, excellence alliances in Latin America, sustainability, digital transformation and innovation, and interculturality and peace-building.
This visit in Colombia is part of the UB strategy on the collaboration with the universities in Latin America, considering the diversity of this geographical space as its main advantage. The objective is to promote an integration between the university centres to optimize efforts and unchain several transformations. We want to work systematically in the Latin American space regarding teaching and research, for the construction of a real common area. This is why we need to make the university autonomy compatible with the transfer of competences and to create a common regulatory framework.