The UB approves general guidelines on non-classroom teaching and assessment responding to the Student Council's claims


Regarding the serious impact on the development of the academic activities due to the COVID-19 health crisis, the University of Barcelona wants to note that the university community is acting in a responsible, fast and agile way to guarantee the functioning of the teaching and assessment during the academic year 2019/2020. Due to the unavailability of returning to face-to-face activities during the second semester, as stated by the rector Joan Elias on April 3, the UB worked on General guidelines on the teaching and assessment functioning for the academic year 2019/2020 regarding COVID-19 crisis, approved of by the Governing Council on April 22. This document responds to the claims of the Student Council, the highest organ to represent the students of the University of Barcelona.


Regarding the serious impact on the development of the academic activities due to the COVID-19 health crisis, the University of Barcelona wants to note that the university community is acting in a responsible, fast and agile way to guarantee the functioning of the teaching and assessment during the academic year 2019/2020. Due to the unavailability of returning to face-to-face activities during the second semester, as stated by the rector Joan Elias on April 3, the UB worked on General guidelines on the teaching and assessment functioning for the academic year 2019/2020 regarding COVID-19 crisis, approved of by the Governing Council on April 22. This document responds to the claims of the Student Council, the highest organ to represent the students of the University of Barcelona.

As general action principles, the standards of training quality will be kept through the adaptation to non-classroom methods to guarantee the continuity of training activities. These changes in teaching and assessment in bachelor and master degrees have to be transparent and documented as well as approved by the directors of each department and heads of the degrees. Changes will be informed about to the students via Virtual Campus and necessary channels to ensure the students receive the information. Also, the UB will try to maintain the academic calendar as long as possible and will watch for inclusion, flexibility and rigour. Students will be told about all changes and information as soon as possible.

Regarding non-classroom teaching, the main objective is for the students to acquire the corresponding competences. This is why lecturers should adapt their teaching syllabuses and the governing bodies should conduct its monitoring to guarantee such teaching activities. The vice-rectorʼs offices for Teaching and Academic Planning and Quality have created the new website Information, recommendations and resources for non-classroom activity.

Regarding the adaptation of the assessment, the datelines for students to opt for single assessment will be extended to its maximum, given the multiple possible problems resulting from the pandemic, so that everyone can be evaluated. However, the continuous assessment is also kept and the teaching staff will provide ways to interact with the students, regulating and supervising their learning. The UB will try to avoid overlapping and excessive work, and all changes will be stated in the syllabusesʼ addendums for each subject. Also, new formulas to carry out the scheduled assessment activities will be studied, specially those subjects of the bachelor and masterʼs final degree project, and external practicals.

Last, regarding the economic and registration aspects, the UB is working to respond to the different economic situations of the students and urging the competent authorities to take measures for this exceptional situation. In this context, we remind you about the validity of BkUB grant call -its dateline for applications has been extended according to the rectorʼs resolution on March 14, and the Connecta UB call, aiming to respond to problems on registration payments, and problems regarding the access to technology, respectively.