The Institute for Catalan Studies' Saint George's Day Awards 2021 distinguish the research of the University of Barcelona

The award ceremony took place in an open day session in Pati de la Casa de Convalescència.
The award ceremony took place in an open day session in Pati de la Casa de Convalescència.

On Friday, April 23, the Institute for Catalan Studies held the award ceremony for the Saint Georgeʼs Day Awards 2021. The ceremony was presided by Joandomènec Ros, president of IEC and professor of Ecology at the University of Barcelona. These prizes, with a long traditional history, have honoured several research studies carried out by the UB research staff.

The award ceremony took place in an open day session in Pati de la Casa de Convalescència.
The award ceremony took place in an open day session in Pati de la Casa de Convalescència.

On Friday, April 23, the Institute for Catalan Studies held the award ceremony for the Saint Georgeʼs Day Awards 2021. The ceremony was presided by Joandomènec Ros, president of IEC and professor of Ecology at the University of Barcelona. These prizes, with a long traditional history, have honoured several research studies carried out by the UB research staff.

Pau Castell Granados, lecturer at the Faculty of Geography and History, has been awarded the Rafael Patxot i Jubert Award, for the study Els estudis sobre la bruixeria i la cacera de bruixes a Catalunya (1830-2020). Entre la història i el folklore. Castell is the author of the first doctoral thesis on witch hunting in Catalonia, a thesis he presented at the UB and which was co-supervised by Teresa Vinyoles and Agustí Alcoberro, and with which he obtained an accessit to the Doctorsʼ Senate Awards of the UB.

The Catalan Society of Biology Award to the top scientific article was given to M. Isabel Hernández Álvarez, researcher at the Faculty of Biology and first signatory of the article “Deficient endoplasmic reticulum-mithocondrial phosphatidylserine transfer causes liver disease”, published in the journal Cell.

Damià Torres Latorre, lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics, obtained the Évariste Galois Award of the Catalan Mathematical Society for his study Problemes de lʼobstacle i desigualtats de Harnack a la frontera.

An honorary mention of the Creu Casas Award was given to Karine Gibert Oliveras, from the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona.

The Eduard Valentí Award by the Catalan Society of Classical Studies was given to Carlos Prieto Espinosa, who presented his doctoral thesis at the UB, El lèxic dels oficis a la documentació llatina de la Catalunya altmedieval.

The Pompeu Fabra Prize on Grammar (IEC Philological Section) was given to Wang Liyun, for Estudi contrastiu de l'estructura sil·làbica del català al xinès estàndard i de les implicacions segmentals més rellevants per als aprenents sinòfons, based on a doctoral thesis presented at the UB.

Eva Gorrochategui Matas, who got her doctorate at the UB, received an honorary mention of the Antoni de Martí i Franquès Award on Chemical Sciences (Section of Sciences and Technology at IEC), for her study Assessment of the lipidomic effects of environmental pollutants on exposed organisms using chemometric and analytical methods.

An accessit of the Catalan Society of Physics Award to bachelorʼs degree final projects was given to Cristina Jiménez Palau, for her project Automated classification of stellar spectra. Last, Enric Florit Zacarías obtained a mention of the Emmy Noether Award by the Catalan Mathematical Society for his bachelorʼs degree final project Criptografia basada en isogènies.