The effects of the pandemic on cultural heritage

Patrimonios confinados. Retos del patrimonio inmaterial ante el COVID-19 edited by the anthropologists Xavier Roigé and Alejandra Canals, analyses the community, social and economic consequences of the lockdown and post-lockdown in the intangible cultural heritage.
This book explores the COVID-19 effects on the intangible cultural heritage. The impossibility of carrying out activities and the mobility and capacity restrictions caused an unprecedented affectation in everything surrounding heritage. In this new context, academics, managers and members of cultural associations get together to analyse, review and debate on the present and future of the intangible cultural heritage (ICH).
The chapters show the community, social and economic results of the lockdown and post-lockdown, in a wide range of examples of the intangible heritage in Europe and America, such as the celebrations, crafts, museums, dances, music and tourism.

Patrimonios confinados. Retos del patrimonio inmaterial ante el COVID-19 edited by the anthropologists Xavier Roigé and Alejandra Canals, analyses the community, social and economic consequences of the lockdown and post-lockdown in the intangible cultural heritage.
This book explores the COVID-19 effects on the intangible cultural heritage. The impossibility of carrying out activities and the mobility and capacity restrictions caused an unprecedented affectation in everything surrounding heritage. In this new context, academics, managers and members of cultural associations get together to analyse, review and debate on the present and future of the intangible cultural heritage (ICH).
The chapters show the community, social and economic results of the lockdown and post-lockdown, in a wide range of examples of the intangible heritage in Europe and America, such as the celebrations, crafts, museums, dances, music and tourism.
To face this new ecosystem, the authors present different strategies to keep these cultural practices (virtual alternatives, new formats, restricted celebrations and exhibitions, among others) alive. All these experiences show a great resilience, creativity and reinvention as well as the need to learn from this shocking period in order to examine how to protect this heritage and ensure its sustainability after the COVID-19 period. The past and the present draw the future of the ICH.
Patrimonios confinados. Retos del patrimonio inmaterial ante el COVID-19 is part of the Social and Cultural Anthropology Studies collection, led by Xavier Roigé Ventura. This collection was created to disseminate the results of the research studies and projects from different anthropology fields such as economy, medicine, heritage, food, gender and cultural diversity, which were studied in the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Barcelona.
Xavier Roigé Ventura is a lecturer at the University of Barcelona, director of the Journal of Ethnology of Catalonia and author of many books. In this collection, he has published Usos políticos del patrimonio cultural, with Fabien Van Geert and Lucrecia Conget; Compromisos etnográficos. Un homenaje a Joan Frigolé, with Camila del Mármol, Joan Bestard and Jesús Contreras, and Globalización y localidad. Perspectiva etnográfica, with Joan Frigolé i Roigé.
Alejandra Canals Ossul is a lecturer at the University of Barcelona and member of the Group of Public Archaeology and Heritage of the UB (GAPP). She has contributed as a professional in different cultural heritage management projects in rural contexts and with indigenous peoples in the south of Chile.