Sponsor a book: Rococo initials in a unique model

This image belongs to the Dictionnaire de chifres et de lettres ornées, by Jean-Henri-Prosper Pouget (Paris: Tilliard, 1767), coloured sample of letter designs and monograms which stand out for their delicate beauty and a series of handwritten coloured initials and ornamented with human, animal and plant motives. The only copy of this piece in Spain is in the Rare Book and Manuscript CRAI Library of the UB, and is one of the selected pieces for the micro-sponsorship campaign Sponsor a Book, an initiative within the program UB Sponsors, whose objective is to raise funds to restore three unique editions in the collection fund.

This image belongs to the Dictionnaire de chifres et de lettres ornées, by Jean-Henri-Prosper Pouget (Paris: Tilliard, 1767), coloured sample of letter designs and monograms which stand out for their delicate beauty and a series of handwritten coloured initials and ornamented with human, animal and plant motives. The only copy of this piece in Spain is in the Rare Book and Manuscript CRAI Library of the UB, and is one of the selected pieces for the micro-sponsorship campaign Sponsor a Book, an initiative within the program UB Sponsors, whose objective is to raise funds to restore three unique editions in the collection fund.
Pouget was a prestigious jewellery maker, engraver and designer of ornaments that presents, in this piece, a recollection of his designs distributed in 241 chalcographic pages and its first part is full of monograms. Used to mark a priority or to identify the creator or producer of a certain object, monograms were popular in the 18th century and were usually engraved in jewellery, plates, upholstery, furniture, armours, suitcases and book bindings.