Social sciences, from a gender perspective


Conference “Enseñanza en ciencias sociales e innovación docente en perspectiva feminista” will take place on October 27 and 28. These sessions are organized by the Sociology Teaching Group from the Spanish Sociological Federation (FES) and the CEFOCID-COPOLIS Group of the University of Barcelona. The aim of these sessions is to gather researchers and lecturers to debate on how to incorporate the feminist perspective in the studies of social sciences.


Conference “Enseñanza en ciencias sociales e innovación docente en perspectiva feminista” will take place on October 27 and 28. These sessions are organized by the Sociology Teaching Group from the Spanish Sociological Federation (FES) and the CEFOCID-COPOLIS Group of the University of Barcelona. The aim of these sessions is to gather researchers and lecturers to debate on how to incorporate the feminist perspective in the studies of social sciences.

With support from the University of Barcelona, the Institute for Professional Development of the UB (IDP-ICE), the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Feminist Research Methodology (SIMReF), the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia and the Vives Network, several roundtables will be organized (via Zoom).   

The sessions will cover several actions to introduce the feminist perspective into the contemporary social sciences. They will talk, among other topics, about strategies taken by the Spanish universities to add gender perspective to their bachelor and masterʼs degrees, the conditions of female lecturers and researchers, male violence in class, and the need to teach against male violence at the university. The full programme is available here. Previous registration is required in order to participate. 

Among the participants are Clara Camps, UB researcher, director of the conference and coordinator of the FES Sociology Teaching Group; Dra. Nuria Sara Miras Boronat, the dean's delegate for the Equality Unit of UB; Montserrat Puig Llobet, vice-rector for Equal Opportunities and Gender at the UB, and Núria Rodríguez, vice-dean for External Relations, Social Commitment and Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business. Other participants are Elena Casado Aparicio, from the Complutense University of Madrid; Maria Antònia Carbonero and Fernanda Caro Blanco, from the Social Observatory of the Balearic Islands; Gerard Coll Planas, from the University of Vic; Barbara Biglia, from the Rovira i Virgili University; Sandra Olbiol Francès, from the University of Valencia; Milagros Almurrio Velez, from the University of the Basque Country; Almudena Moreno, from the University of Valladolid, and Carmen Ruiz Repullo, from the University of Jaén.