The UB appoints Òscar Gimeno as the new director of the Research, Transfer and Innovation Support Area

Òscar Gimeno
Òscar Gimeno
News | Research | Institutional
The University of Barcelona brings Òscar Gimeno as the new Director of the Research, Transfer and Innovation Support Area. This area was led by Xavier Meneses, who is now retiring. Gimeno brings to the management area his knowledge of the Catalan research system and his experience in research management, transfer and innovation, in several public and private entities.
Òscar Gimeno
Òscar Gimeno
News | Research | Institutional
The University of Barcelona brings Òscar Gimeno as the new Director of the Research, Transfer and Innovation Support Area. This area was led by Xavier Meneses, who is now retiring. Gimeno brings to the management area his knowledge of the Catalan research system and his experience in research management, transfer and innovation, in several public and private entities.

Òscar Gimeno’s task will consist of promoting research at the UB, boost the support to the research staff, and collaborate with the transformation of knowledge transfer and innovation. The UB is one of the universities with the highest investment in research in Spain. 

His incorporation adds to the University’s commitment to step forward regarding research and in attracting new investment and contributions in this area. The Rector, Joan Guàrdia, has highlighted his career and said: “We are at a key moment and his incorporation means a step forward towards the consolidation of our research-improvement project”. 

Òscar Gimeno graduated in Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and obtained a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) in ESADE. To date, he has held the position of deputy manager at the Institute of Photonic Sciences. He has been the manager of the Barcelona Institute of Science & Technology and has worked as a consultant in the fields of information technologies, strategy and innovation.