Open call for the Board of Trustees and Bosch i Gimpera Foundation Awards to research and knowledge transfer
The period to submit candidacies for the Board of Trustees and Bosch i Gimpera Foundation Awards to research and knowledge transfer is open.
The period to submit candidacies for the Board of Trustees and Bosch i Gimpera Foundation Awards to research and knowledge transfer is open.
Until June 15, the call for the two awards of the Board of Trustees to the top scientific projects derived from a doctoral thesis presented at the UB is open. These are the José Manuel Blecua Prize (to the top article published in a distinguished journal in the field of humanities and social sciences) and the Ramon Margalef Prize (to the top article published in a distinguished journal in the field of experimental and health sciences).
Also, the dateline to submit candidacies to the awards to the top projects on knowledge transfer by the Board of Trustees and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) is July 20. These are the Antoni Caparrós Prize to the top project on knowledge transfer, technology and innovation, and the Senén Vilaró Prize to the top innovative business.
There is more information on the FBG website and the website of the Board of Trustees (in the section of awards to the top scientific projects and in the section of awards to knowledge transfer). Information about the awardees of the last edition is also available on the website.