New web portal for the Equality Unit
The Equality Unit has launched a new web portal which provides access to several services in this field and gathers new features and resources.
The Equality Unit has launched a new web portal which provides access to several services in this field and gathers new features and resources.
One of the sections in this new portal is dedicated to the services against sexist violence and it includes, among other elements, a mailbox for complaints and the contact form for the psychological services. Another section is dedicated to the services aimed to the LGBTIQ+ community in the UB, which gathers, for instance, the procedures for obtaining a name change for trans and non-binary people. It also includes activities of interest for this community, and a complaint mailbox. Moreover, the portal has resources for gender perspective training, teaching and research. In these lines, it will soon include a bibliographic deposit of feminist critical literature with gender perspective, as well as other documentary sources. It also features the different prizes related to the application of gender perspective to the several fields of the university life. Last, it offers information about the Equality Unit and about the 3rd UB Plan for Equal Opportunities, as well as the contact forms for each centerʼs equality committee.
The new web portal emerges in a particularly active moment at the University of Barcelona regarding the equality policies. At the moment, several actions of the seven axes of the 3rd UB Plan for Equal Opportunities between Men and Women are being unfold. Negotiations are underway for the approval of the axis regarding the work conditions of the Plan, and the Protocol of the University of Barcelona for the prevention, detection and action against situations of sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, gender identity and sexual orientation and other sexist behaviours is being modified.