New project open to citizens to raise awareness on the use of containers


People can participate, until 15 July, in the new project “Poc al groc”, which seeks the collaboration of the citizens to raise awareness on the need to use packages according to the rule of the three Rs: reduce, recycle and reuse. Families have to fill in a form about the containers they use in a week. The collected information will be later analysed by the experts on different fields of the University of Barcelona.


People can participate, until 15 July, in the new project “Poc al groc”, which seeks the collaboration of the citizens to raise awareness on the need to use packages according to the rule of the three Rs: reduce, recycle and reuse. Families have to fill in a form about the containers they use in a week. The collected information will be later analysed by the experts on different fields of the University of Barcelona.

To take part in “Poc al groc”, the users have to collect data on what goes to the yellow bin, the one for plastic, metal and carton containers, for a week: they must fill a grid and a final form with the data and valuation of what they have used at home during that time. The families can also submit proposals to avoid this much waste. The objective is to reach a joint reflection regarding the containers to find solutions that lead to an individual use and economy that are more respectful of the planet and the people. The aim of this project is to contribute and bring a change in the lifestyle and promote more sustainable and circular economy.

The project is aimed at the families of Catalonia who, through the school parentsʼ associations, or individually, want to take part in the process of self-assessment of the generation of single-use containers.

“Poc al groc” is a La UB Divulga project which includes the participation of the UB researchers Sergi Astals, from the Faculty of Chemistry; Anna Sánchez-Vidal, from the Faculty of Earth Sciences, and Mònica Serrano, from the Faculty of Economics and Business. It is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).