More than 100 women will reflect on the challenges of feminism at the 1st International Congress on Gender Perspective

Feminisms and armed conflicts, digital gender violence, citizen education with a gender perspective, sexual and reproductive rights and sexist language are some contents to be addressed at the I International Congress on Gender Perspective. Social Movements and Political Strategy, which will take place from 11 to 12 December at the Vicens Badenes Auditorium and other venues of the Citilab in Cornellà de Llobregat.

Feminisms and armed conflicts, digital gender violence, citizen education with a gender perspective, sexual and reproductive rights and sexist language are some contents to be addressed at the I International Congress on Gender Perspective. Social Movements and Political Strategy, which will take place from 11 to 12 December at the Vicens Badenes Auditorium and other venues of the Citilab in Cornellà de Llobregat.
This forum aims to represent a space for reflection, debate and research to address the fitting between the increasingly demanding social demands and the construction of academic knowledge from the perspective of gender equality and feminism. It is organized by the UB-City of Cornellà Chair on Gender Perspective and Feminisms, created in 2022 by the University of Barcelona and the City Council of Cornellà de Llobregat to promote feminist and gender studies with a critical perspective and to make this research more accessible to citizens.
The congress will receive more than 120 participants, a figure that has exceeded the expectations of the organizing committee, which values very positively the reception of the initiative and considers that "the number of registrations shows the changes that are taking place in our society in favour of gender equality and the interest that they arouse, although there is still a long way to go". The congress will also feature 10 guest lectures by experts in gender issues, both nationally and internationally, including the specialist in cyberfeminism and digital culture, Remedios Zafra; the director of the research group GEYPO Gender and Politics at the Complutense University of Madrid, Emanuela Lombardo; the member of the platform Noviembre feminista, Dolo Pulido; and the Kurdish journalist and translator, Amina Hussein.
The inaugural event, scheduled for Monday 11 at 9.00 am, will be presented by Professor Trinidad Donoso-Vázquez, scientific director of the Chair. Among the attendants will be Tània Verge, Catalan Minister for Equality and Feminisms; Antonio Balmón, Mayor of Cornellà de Llobregat, and Montserrat Puig, Vice-Rector for Equal Opportunities and Gender at the UB. The opening conference, titled "Gènere i cultura tecnològica. Reptes feministes en un món llegit per les màquines" will be given by Remedios Zafra, an expert from the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC and winner of the Jovellanos International Essay Prize in 2022.
The plenary conference "Respuestas institucionales a los discursos antifeministas y antidemocráticos" will be given by Emanuela Lombardo, lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid. In the afternoon, the round tables on social reproduction theory (SRT) and sustainability, and feminist resistance against patriarchal reaction will be chaired by Teresa Bartual (UB) and Dolo Pulido (UB) respectively.
The programme for the 12th includes the plenary lecture "Feminisms and Armed Conflict", to be given by the Kurdish journalist Amina Hussein. The themes of contemporary feminist essays and gender research in Catalonia will be addressed by two round tables chaired by Sònia Estradé, lecturer in the Faculty of Physics at the UB and director of the Chair.
As part of the congress, several presentations have been programmed, and they address social movements; science and gender; gender and education; law and political strategies; feminisms and animal ethics; gender and identities outside the Cis-heteronomous; gender and audiovisuals, communication and linguistics, and feminism and textualities.