Presentation of the biologist Easter cake

The biologist Easter cake.
This is the second year the UB and the Gremi de Pastisseria de Barcelona (Barcelona patisserie guild) have allied to bring patisseries the mona de Pasqua, the science Easter cake, an Easter figure aiming to share science and arise vocations among children. This is a chocolate-made girl scientist, and this year she is a biologist with a butterfly net and a DNA chain replica. The presentation of the new science Easter cake for the university community will take place on 1 March at 12 noon, at the Historic Building’s Aula Magna. There will be a raffle of two Easter cakes among the attendants.

The biologist Easter cake.
This is the second year the UB and the Gremi de Pastisseria de Barcelona (Barcelona patisserie guild) have allied to bring patisseries the mona de Pasqua, the science Easter cake, an Easter figure aiming to share science and arise vocations among children. This is a chocolate-made girl scientist, and this year she is a biologist with a butterfly net and a DNA chain replica. The presentation of the new science Easter cake for the university community will take place on 1 March at 12 noon, at the Historic Building’s Aula Magna. There will be a raffle of two Easter cakes among the attendants.
Mones de Ciència is a project by La UB Divulga project that each year is dedicated to a different scientific discipline: last year the figure was a geologist and this year she is a biologist. "She carries a butterfly net, which is the main tool for collecting flora and fauna to study the biodiversity of our planet", says Pau Fortuño, reseracher at the Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management research group (FEHM), and member of the UB's Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio). "We also wanted to represent the micro part of biology with a DNA molecule, the molecule of life", continues Raquel Rabionet, UB lecturer of genetics and member of the UB's Institute of Biomedicine (IBUB), the Research Institute Sant Joan de Déu (IRSJD) and the Rare Diseases Networking Biomedical Research Centre (CIBERER).
The added value that makes this cake different from other Easter cakes is a QR code. This code takes you to a website with content about biology and online games.
“Just like last year, we wanted to make an easy cake, at everyone’s reach”, notes chef Adrià Ruiz, instructor at the Patisserie School of the guild.
Confirmation of attendance at the event is requested at
The added value that makes this cake different from other Easter cakes is a QR code. This code takes you to a website with content about biology and online games.
“Just like last year, we wanted to make an easy cake, at everyone’s reach”, notes chef Adrià Ruiz, instructor at the Patisserie School of the guild.
Confirmation of attendance at the event is requested at
Multimedia gallery
The parts the biologist Easter cake is made of.
The biologist Easter cake.

A QR code takes you to a website with content about biology and online games.

Pau Fortuño and Raquel Rabionet, from the Faculty of Biology of the UB.

Pastry chef Adrià Ruiz.