The Catalan public universities award five academic communications from the UB
From July 4 to 6, the Cappont campus of the University of Lleida hosted the 12th International Conference on University Teaching and Innovation (CIDUI), entitled "Improving learning experiences: transformation and challenges", brought together more than 600 students, teachers and experts in higher education, who analyzed several strategies to promote quality educational environments. Three hundred academic papers were presented, all of them written by local and international university professors, eight of them were awarded by the scientific committee of the congress and by the attendees for their academic, scientific and formal quality. Five of them were members of teaching innovation groups at the University of Barcelona. They are the following:
From July 4 to 6, the Cappont campus of the University of Lleida hosted the 12th International Conference on University Teaching and Innovation (CIDUI), entitled "Improving learning experiences: transformation and challenges", brought together more than 600 students, teachers and experts in higher education, who analyzed several strategies to promote quality educational environments. Three hundred academic papers were presented, all of them written by local and international university professors, eight of them were awarded by the scientific committee of the congress and by the attendees for their academic, scientific and formal quality. Five of them were members of teaching innovation groups at the University of Barcelona. They are the following:
Accredited learning assessment in a compulsory subject of the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, using digital technologies and environments, by María José García Celma, Alfonso del Pozo Carrascosa, Sylvia López Paz, Mireia Oliva Herrera and Genoveva Morral Ruiz, from the Teaching Innovation Group in Pharmaceutical Technology (GIDTF) and the Teaching Innovation Group in Pharmaceutical Instrumental Analysis (GIDAIF), from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences.
Radio FIMA: development of students' professional skills through the creation of the faculty's podcast channel, by Adrien Faure-Carvallo, Miquel Térmens Graells, Lydia Sánchez Gómez, Javier Guallar Delgado, M. Ángeles García Asensio, Jorge Franganillo Fernández, Sergio Villanueva Baselga, María José Masanet Jordán, Hibai López González, Maddalena Fedele, Anna Marqués Emo, Jaume Vilaseca Corderroure, Sandra Rius Cruz and Vicente Villalba Palacín, from the Teaching Innovation Group in Communication and Audiovisual Media (In-COMAV), from the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media.
Body and pronunciation: an essential tandem?, by Josefina Carrera-Sabaté (UB), Patricia López Garcia (University of Valencia) and Claudia Cols Aguadé (UB), from the Catalan Phonetics Teaching Innovation Group (FONCAT) of the Faculty of Philology and Communication.
Development of teamwork skills based on teaching innovation. Application of Team Based Learning in the Bachelor's Degree in Education, by Ares Cruz Hernández, from the Teaching Innovation Group in Teaching Training and Pedagogical Innovation (FODIP), of the Faculty of Education.
Teaching urban security from a gender perspective: the challenge of social sustainability, by Verónica Yazmín García Morales, from the Teaching Innovation Group on Management and Public Administration (GIDC_GAP), of the Faculty of Law.
This result shows the impact of the improvement and innovation actions carried out by the UB teaching staff, either by developing projects or through the activities of the teaching innovation groups.
Moreover, around fifty awarded groups have benefited from the grants that the Vice-rectorate for Teaching Policy gives to the dissemination of the results of improvement and innovation actions, which aim to improve student learning.
The conference, organised by the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) with the collaboration of the Department of Research and Universities, aimed to create a lively space for exchange and analysis among all attendees, as well as to create environments to promote student learning.