La Uni, a portal for news about the university world

This initiative results from an agreement signed by the University of Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and La Vanguardia. It is aimed at university collectives such as students, the administration and service staff and the teaching and research staff, as well as the public, and it wants to tell about the university and its social aims.
The presentation of La Uni took place yesterday at CosmoCaixa. Chaired by the head of Society at La Vanguardia, Susana Quadrado, the event included the participation of three distinguished former students from each of the three universities. The roundtable “The University as a key element for a successful career” addressed the role of higher education in the building of professional profiles. Anna Schlegel, Vice-President of the Department of Product, International Market and Globalization at Procore Technologies, who graduated in English and German Philology at the UB, recommended having patience as a key element to advance in the field of technological innovation. Schlegel, who was featured as the most influential woman in the field of technology in 2020, said she finds difficulties every day when leading teams. She highlighted that “the high ranks are held by men” and noted that one does not have to be an engineer to enter the technological world. Schlegel ended her speech by reminding the attendees that order and discipline are the key elements in the training of young people.
Then, Yolanda Lupiáñez, who graduated in Computer Engineering at the UAB and CEO of Myllox, noted that “it is clear there is a glass ceiling for women” and said that we should “ban the stereotypes that give certain levels to men or women”. Regarding the power of the Barcelona trademark, Lupiáñez said the city is “an excellent ecosystem” for the development of start-ups, in particular for those in the healthcare sector.
Finally, Elisenda Bou-Balust, who graduated in Telecommunications Engineering at the UPC and is the head of Apple Media Knowledge, noted that Catalan universities have no reason to envy American universities: “We should have no complexes. The education here is good and there is a lot of talent”. She agreed with Schlegel and said that resilience is essential to stand out in the field of technology.
A strong bet
The Rector of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and current President of the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) restated the role of universities as the drivers of quality research and generators of economic activity through innovation: “Our challenge is to provide society with all the things the universities make. This new communication channel will help us to do so”.
The Director of La Vanguardia, Jordi Juan, noted that La Uni “is an ambitious project with a great potential”. “We have 40,000 subscribers in the print edition, and 100,000 in the digital one. Furthermore, a great part of our audience comes from South America. La Uni can be an amplifier of all the university information”.
The digital channel will be updated daily with university-related informative content of interest.
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