La Marató 2022 promotes UB research projects on cardiovascular health

La Marató de 3Cat will fund 37 research projects in the field of cardiovascular health from 71 research teams.
La Marató de 3Cat will fund 37 research projects in the field of cardiovascular health from 71 research teams.
News | Research

La Marató de 3Cat will allocate 11.2 million euros to fund 37 research projects in the field of cardiovascular health from 71 research teams. Out of the total number of selected projects, 15 are single projects — two of them led by the University of Barcelona — and 22 are coordinated by two institutions or more. Apart from funding scientific research of excellence, La Marató’s charity call has raised awareness on cardiovascular diseases, which have a big impact on people’s quality of life and life expectancy: they are the main cause of death and hospital admissions in developed countries. In Catalonia, 45 people die every day — two every hour — as a result of a health problem of this type.

La Marató de 3Cat will fund 37 research projects in the field of cardiovascular health from 71 research teams.
La Marató de 3Cat will fund 37 research projects in the field of cardiovascular health from 71 research teams.
News | Research

La Marató de 3Cat will allocate 11.2 million euros to fund 37 research projects in the field of cardiovascular health from 71 research teams. Out of the total number of selected projects, 15 are single projects — two of them led by the University of Barcelona — and 22 are coordinated by two institutions or more. Apart from funding scientific research of excellence, La Marató’s charity call has raised awareness on cardiovascular diseases, which have a big impact on people’s quality of life and life expectancy: they are the main cause of death and hospital admissions in developed countries. In Catalonia, 45 people die every day — two every hour — as a result of a health problem of this type.

The award ceremony took place on Wednesday, 8 November, in an event led by Rosa Romà, president of 3Cat and the Board of La Marató Foundation, and Lluís Bernabé, director of the Foundation. The event was chaired by the host Roger Escapa.


List of awarded projects in La Marató 2022 linked to the University of Barcelona



“Noves dianes i teràpies basades en l’estrès oxidatiu per combatre les aortopaties d’origen genètic” (New targets and therapies based on oxidative stress to fight arthropathies of genetic origin)

Gustavo Egea, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; Vivian de Waard, Amsterdam UMC Academic Medical Center; María Galán, Rey Juan Carlos University

Funding: €399,718.75


«Desxifrar el paper de TDP-43 en la barrera vascular i l’estabilitat dels vasos sanguinis» (Decoding the role of TDP-43 in the vascular barrier and the stability of blood vessels)

Eloi Montañez, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Finançament: €120,000


Other projects linked to the UB research environment


«Dany cerebral secundari induït per les alteracions en el metabolisme de la glucosa a l’hemorràgia subaracnoïdal aneurismàtica: valor diagnòstic i pronòstic de la monitorització contínua de glucosa» (Secondary brain damage induced by alterations in the glucose metabolism in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: diagnostic and prognostic value of continuous glucose monitoring)

Sergio Amaro, Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research

Funding: €131,139.39


«Estimulació septal profunda per prevenir la miocardiopatia induïda per estimulació: assaig clínic aleatoritzat DEEP» (Deep septal stimulation to prevent myocardiopathy induced by stimulation: DEEP clinical trial)

Ignasi Anguera, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute Foundation

Funding: €199,444.01


«Influència de la violència de parella en el pronòstic de les dones amb síndrome coronària aguda» (Influence of partner violence on the prognosis of women with acute coronary syndrome)

Blanca Coll-Vinent, Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research

Funding: €34,762.50


«Rehabilitació cardíaca centrada en el pacient en malaltia coronària: identificació de barreres clau segons el gènere i avaluació d’una intervenció personalitzada, estudi BREAK-CR» (Patient-focused cardiac rehabilitation in coronary heart disease: identification of key gender barriers and evaluation of a personalized intervention, BREAK-CR study)

Cristina Enjuanes, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute Foundation

Funding: €199,432.50


«Mapa de la inflamació a l’aterosclerosi humana: un estudi traslacional d’imatge i multiòmica» (Mapping inflammation in human atherosclerosis: a translational imaging and multimicroscopic study)

Ana García, Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research; José Javier Fuster, Carlos III National Centre for Cardiovascular Research

Funding: €288,299.73


«Prevenció de les infeccions dels dispositius electrònics implantables cardíacs mitjançant l’ús d’un recobriment bimodal basat en un hidrogel activable tèrmicament amb antimicrobians d’ampli espectre» (Prevention of infections of cardiac implantable electronic devices using a bimodal coating based on a thermally activatable hydrogel with broad-spectrum antimicrobials)

Josep Maria Miró, Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research; Anna Arís, Agricultural Research and Technology Institute - Animal Health Research Center; Nora Ventosa, CSIC – Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona; Òscar Quijada, Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute Foundation

Funding: €399,055


«Cribratge de tensió arterial en un hospital odontològic: anàlisi dels bacteris reductors de nitrat com a vincle entre la malaltia periodontal i la hipertensió» (Blood pressure screening in a dental hospital: analysis of nitrate-reducing bacteria as a link between periodontal disease and hypertension)

Anna Oliveras, Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Foundation; Juan Antonio Gabaldón, Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute Foundation; Raúl Bescós, University of Plymouth - School of Health Professions; José López, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute Foundation

Funding: €399,750


«Avaluació del pegat bioabsorbible endovascular Aortyx AX-GEN01 per al tractament de la dissecció aòrtica aguda i subaguda tipus B» (Evaluation of the Aortyx AX-GEN01 Endovascular Bioabsorbable Patch for the Treatment of Acute and Subacute Type B Aortic Dissection)

Vicente Riambau, Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research; Jordi Martorell, University Ramon Llull – Chemical Institute of Sarrià Foundation

Funding: €297,978.27


«Teràpia de resincronització personalitzada basada en imatge electrocardiogràfica i ressonància magnètica: estimulació biventricular vs. estimulació de la branca esquerra» (Personalized resynchronization therapy based on electrocardiographic imaging and magnetic resonance: biventricular stimulation vs. left bundle branch stimulation)

José María Tolosana, Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research

Funding: €199,176.88


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