International conference ʻSustainability in the sea: a view from the Mediterranean Barcelonaʼ

The planetʼs sustainability has one of its main challenges in the marine spaces. Analysing the main uses of maritime spaces from the perspective of sustainability, in the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) context, is the aim of the international conference the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona is hosting on 19 December. Framed within the activities of the 750th anniversary of the Barcelona Consulate of the Sea, it will gather academics and representatives of businesses and institutions.

The planetʼs sustainability has one of its main challenges in the marine spaces. Analysing the main uses of maritime spaces from the perspective of sustainability, in the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) context, is the aim of the international conference the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona is hosting on 19 December. Framed within the activities of the 750th anniversary of the Barcelona Consulate of the Sea, it will gather academics and representatives of businesses and institutions.
Under the title “Sustainability in the sea: a view from the Mediterranean Barcelona”, the conference is structured into three sessions: “Sustainability of maritime activities in historical perspective: Barcelona and the Consulate of the Sea”; “Transports and fishing”, and “Tourism and energy”. Among the participants will be the consul major of Barcelona, Jordi Domingo; representatives of entities, such as Jordi Torrent, head of strategy at the Port of Barcelona, and distinguished experts on maritime law, such as Rafael Casado, professor of International Law at the University of Cordoba.
The conference, funded by the Barcelona City Council, is organised by the master's degree in International Studies of the UB, directed by Professor Anna Badia, and the Salvador de Madariaga University Institute of European Studies at the University of La Coruña.