Global health challenges, under debate at the UB
The University of Barcelona is holding, on June 13 and 14, the Global Health Town Meeting, which brings together distinguished scientist and healthcare responsibles to debate on the global health challenges after COVID.19 from multidisciplinary perspectives. Organized by the League of European Research Universities (LERU) and the European Global Health Research Institute Network (EGHRIN), the conference will treat topics such as the pathway towards sustainable societies, ways to guarantee equal access to healthcare, information and lack of information surrounding health and how the technologies of information have changed health treatments.
The University of Barcelona is holding, on June 13 and 14, the Global Health Town Meeting, which brings together distinguished scientist and healthcare responsibles to debate on the global health challenges after COVID.19 from multidisciplinary perspectives. Organized by the League of European Research Universities (LERU) and the European Global Health Research Institute Network (EGHRIN), the conference will treat topics such as the pathway towards sustainable societies, ways to guarantee equal access to healthcare, information and lack of information surrounding health and how the technologies of information have changed health treatments.
Aimed at improving the protocols to successfully face future health emergencies and influencing the international agenda of research, the meeting intends to establishing the priorities in health in the new post-pandemic era, as well as analysing the shortcomings that have been seen during these two and a half years of the fight against COVID-19, such as the optimization of homogeneous responses on a global scale, inequality in health access or the launch of prevention mechanisms to prevent health crises in the future.
Participants on behalf of the University of Barcelona are Antoni Trilla, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UB; Pedro Alonso, professor at the UB and director of the WHO Global Malaria Programme; Judit Vall Castelló, lecturer of economics at the UB, and José Balibrea, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UB. The meeting will be opened by the rector of the University of Barcelona, Joan Guàrdia.
Other paticipants in the conference are John Grove, Director of Quality Assurance for Norms and Standards (virtual connection); Shabbar Jaffar, head of the Department of International Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and new director of the Institute for Global Health of the University College London; Tamás Evetovits, head of the WHO Barcelona Office; Marc Van Ranst, virologist at KU Leuven, and Ana Fernández del Río, from (research services), among others. LERU is a network of 23 research-intensive universities made up of members from 12 European countries, one of them being the UB. EGHRIN gathers 23 global health research institutions from Europe, among which is ISGlobal.
The meeting will be broadcasted on UBtv. The agenda is available on this link.