Els Juliols reach their 25th edition with workshops and tours around Barcelona

The registration for Els Juliols, the summer courses of the University of Barcelona, is open. Els Juliols reach their 25th edition, and this year they offer 66 courses on current themes of social interest, with a multidisciplinary perspective and critical eye. The programs cover several knowledge fields: arts and humanities, social sciences and business, natural and health sciences, and resources and strategies, among others. This edition brings experiential courses, which include, among other activities, cultural tours and workshops related to the arts.

The registration for Els Juliols, the summer courses of the University of Barcelona, is open. Els Juliols reach their 25th edition, and this year they offer 66 courses on current themes of social interest, with a multidisciplinary perspective and critical eye. The programs cover several knowledge fields: arts and humanities, social sciences and business, natural and health sciences, and resources and strategies, among others. This edition brings experiential courses, which include, among other activities, cultural tours and workshops related to the arts.
Courses for everyone
Els Juliols will take place from July 4 to July 15, and those students who enrol from May 2 to May 20 will have a reduced fee in the enrolment. These are short-length courses, of 8 or 20 hours in total. Some are offered as intensive courses of 4 hours per day for a week, while others last fifteen days, with 2-hour lessons a day. To make participation easier, there will be three blended courses (face-to-face and distance learning) and six online courses. The lessons will take place in July, in the morning or afternoon. The programme for each course states the language in which the course is taught and its schedule.
These summer courses are open to everyone. The content is adapted to the general audience, so there are no requirements nor previous studies for those who want to enrol. In order to expand its accessibility, some collectives —such as the members of the UB group and the IL3-UB community, subscription members of the newspaper Ara and the users of the libraries of the Barcelona Provincial Council and those card members of the Barcelona libraries— can access the courses for a reduced fee.
Whatʼs new in the 25th edition?
This year, there are experiential courses that include music, literary, cultural tours and tours of graphic design at a large scale in Barcelona, as well as five face-to-face workshops related to the arts and an online screenwriting workshop.
For the first time, the activities will be carried out in the facilities of the Institute for Lifelong Learning of the University of Barcelona (carrer de la Ciutat de Granada, 131), and some will take place in the Jeroni Granell building (Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 582) and at the Faculty of Law of the UB. As usual, there will be courses in the cities of Alella, Cornellà de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat, lʼHospitalet de Llobregat, Santa Coloma de Gramenet and Vilafranca del Penedès.
The excellence of the UB at everyoneʼs reach
Els Juliols offer credit recognition for the students of the University, who will receive two credits for a 20-hour course, as well as the publicly-employed teaching staff, who will receive two teaching promotion credits. Those who fulfil the attendance and evaluation requirements will receive a certificate by the Institute for Lifelong Learning of the University of Barcelona.
During Els Juliols, the UB opens its doors to society in order to offer people the chance to gain new knowledge, with the quality guarantee of the experience and academic rigour of the University.
Els Juliols count on the support and collaboration of the Barcelona City Council and other city councils, as well as from other UB chairs and companies such as Pfizer, Duchenne España, Repsol, Cone Josep M. Queraltó Foundation, Danone, Planeta and Mir Puig Foundation, among others.
Further information and enrolment: https://www.juliols.ub.edu/cursos-estiu/