The concept of time in human life, according to physicist Javier Tejada

Javier Tejada.
On Monday 9 October, at 6.00 p.m., in the Aula Magna of the Historic Building, the emeritus professor of Physics of the University of Barcelona Javier Tejada will give the opening conference of the academic year of Ateneu UB, titled “El futur incert: l’Ateneu UB com a testimoni”.

Javier Tejada.
On Monday 9 October, at 6.00 p.m., in the Aula Magna of the Historic Building, the emeritus professor of Physics of the University of Barcelona Javier Tejada will give the opening conference of the academic year of Ateneu UB, titled “El futur incert: l’Ateneu UB com a testimoni”.
Professor Tejada, an international authority in quantum mechanics, will talk about the exponential growth of technology, the concept of time, the future of life’s digitalization and the defence of human singularity.
Among the activities the Ateneu UB proposes for this first semester are the conferences “Salut, democràccia i llibertat”, to take place on Monday 20 October, coordinated by the Núria Cuxart, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and “Les migracions Internacionals en l’actualitat: una visió demogràfica des de Catalunya”, on Monday 27 November, coordinated by the emeritus professor of the Faculty of Geography and History Jordi Casassas. Also, there will be, on Tuesday, 12 December, a debate on water, coordinated by Albert Casas, lecturer at the Faculty of Physics.
There will be other activities, such as a guided tour at the Museu Tèxtil de Terrassa by the emeritus professor of History of Art Mireia Freixa; an eight-session seminar dedicated to musical Romanticism, to take place from 18 to 24 January, coordinated by Carles M. Cuadras, lecturer at the Faculty of Biology. There will also be a reading club in which the members will analyze several extracts from Don Quixote, by the emeritus professor of Spanish Literature Rosa Navarro.
Ateneu UB is an institutional meeting point for the retired teaching staff of the University of Barcelona. Its aim is to use the experience and knowledge of this collective to improve relationships and collaborations among the teaching staff, the students and society in general. Its board of directors is formed by the president, Joaquim Prats; the secretary-academic, Mercè Costa, and the lecturers Josep Antoni Bombí, Montserrat Busquets, Carlos Müller, Enric Canela and Carme Triadó.
Among the activities the Ateneu UB proposes for this first semester are the conferences “Salut, democràccia i llibertat”, to take place on Monday 20 October, coordinated by the Núria Cuxart, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and “Les migracions Internacionals en l’actualitat: una visió demogràfica des de Catalunya”, on Monday 27 November, coordinated by the emeritus professor of the Faculty of Geography and History Jordi Casassas. Also, there will be, on Tuesday, 12 December, a debate on water, coordinated by Albert Casas, lecturer at the Faculty of Physics.
There will be other activities, such as a guided tour at the Museu Tèxtil de Terrassa by the emeritus professor of History of Art Mireia Freixa; an eight-session seminar dedicated to musical Romanticism, to take place from 18 to 24 January, coordinated by Carles M. Cuadras, lecturer at the Faculty of Biology. There will also be a reading club in which the members will analyze several extracts from Don Quixote, by the emeritus professor of Spanish Literature Rosa Navarro.
Ateneu UB is an institutional meeting point for the retired teaching staff of the University of Barcelona. Its aim is to use the experience and knowledge of this collective to improve relationships and collaborations among the teaching staff, the students and society in general. Its board of directors is formed by the president, Joaquim Prats; the secretary-academic, Mercè Costa, and the lecturers Josep Antoni Bombí, Montserrat Busquets, Carlos Müller, Enric Canela and Carme Triadó.