Professor Domènec Corbella’s exhibition in Beijing

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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the setting of diplomatic relationships between China and Spain, the emeritus professor of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona Domènec Corbella, presented a great individual exhibition titled “El camí de l’aigua” (The path of water), at the Arts Museum of the Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, with support from the Ramon Llull Institute and the collaboration from the UB’s Water Research Institute.

News | Culture
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the setting of diplomatic relationships between China and Spain, the emeritus professor of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona Domènec Corbella, presented a great individual exhibition titled “El camí de l’aigua” (The path of water), at the Arts Museum of the Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, with support from the Ramon Llull Institute and the collaboration from the UB’s Water Research Institute.

The exhibition room, which is one thousand square meters, shows 771 pieces by the artist dedicated to the sea. Corbella uses several oceans as the prototype to reproduce the different shapes and states of the water. Therefore, the exhibition shows many traces of water masses, such as the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and even the West Lake in Hangzhou. The ancient peoples from both East and West regarded water as a constituent element of the world and gave it a cultural meaning. Corbella’s understanding of water is reflected in his paintings, which do not come from drawing but from the perception of an artist of Eastern philosophy, and his experiments of a precise and intentional combination with water, ink and pigments.


Domènec Corbella (1946), trained at La Llotja and the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, has been a professor at the UB and the Ramon Llull University (1990-1993). He got his doctoral degree with a thesis dedicated to Joan Miró’s work, titled Entendre Miró. Anàlisi del llenguatge mironià a partir de la Serie Barcelona 1939-44 (1993). He created the Cognitive Painting Laboratory in the master’s degree in Contemporary Artistic Creation, and studied several sensory, physiological, acoustic and olfactory experiences he presented in several international conferences, and which he put in the book La pintura como experiencia cognitiva (2018). As a researcher of the UB’s Water Research Institute, he was the scientific coordinator of the first International Conference on Research on Water Art (2015). A prolific author, among his methodological and research work stands out Des del cor de la pintura. Assaigs d’art i de recerca estètica (2012). Moreover, Água: Porto/Aigua: Barcelona (2013) collects the results of bilateral research carried out by researchers from the universities of Porto and Barcelona. Furthermore, he dedicated a notable research activity to the heritage history and dissemination of Vallfogona de Riucorb, his birthplace, with works such as Vallis fecunda. Paisatges de Vallfogona de Riucorb (2017).

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