Teaching Quality Awards

In the ninth edition of the University of Barcelona’s Board of Trustees Awards to Teaching Quality, the awardees were Professor Jordi Mundó, from the Department of Sociology, in the individual category, and the Consolidated Teaching Innovation Group on Data Analysis in Economics and Business (ANDES), in the group category. The awards will be given on Thursday, 16 November, as part of the commemorative day for the twenty years of evaluation of the teaching staff’s teaching activity.

In the ninth edition of the University of Barcelona’s Board of Trustees Awards to Teaching Quality, the awardees were Professor Jordi Mundó, from the Department of Sociology, in the individual category, and the Consolidated Teaching Innovation Group on Data Analysis in Economics and Business (ANDES), in the group category. The awards will be given on Thursday, 16 November, as part of the commemorative day for the twenty years of evaluation of the teaching staff’s teaching activity.
Jordi Mundó has driven many teaching consolidation and innovation projects over the last years, some of these projects have developed in subjects taught at different departments, within a line of work of coordination between several knowledge areas. Professor Mundó has used the flipped classroom learning methodology in his teaching innovation projects. According to his research career as a social scientist and philosopher, he has always made an effort to integrate perspectives, methodologies, and theorizations that come from different disciplines, with the aim of promoting a meaningful education among the students.
The ANDCES Teaching Innovation Group aims to improve the teaching activity in the subjects of the bachelor’s and master’s degrees of the Faculty of Economics and Business related to the statistics and data science. Among their lines of actions is the application of active learning-based strategies and initiatives that combine various strategies of teaching innovation applied to real situations of the business activity. This group, which has a long trajectory already, was recognized as a consolidated teaching innovation group in 2008 and this year has received the Jaume Vicens Vives Award for university teaching quality given by the Government of Catalonia.