The University of Barcelona adheres to the Barcelona Declaration on open research information

The University of Barcelona adheres to the Barcelona Declaration on open research information.
The University of Barcelona adheres to the Barcelona Declaration on open research information.
News | Institutional
The University of Barcelona has signed up to the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Reporting, which was made public today, 16 April 2024. More than thirty organizations from the European scientific ecosystem have committed to making transparency of information on research communication the guiding norm for institutions.
The University of Barcelona adheres to the Barcelona Declaration on open research information.
The University of Barcelona adheres to the Barcelona Declaration on open research information.
News | Institutional
The University of Barcelona has signed up to the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Reporting, which was made public today, 16 April 2024. More than thirty organizations from the European scientific ecosystem have committed to making transparency of information on research communication the guiding norm for institutions.

Research information is understood as all information related to the communication of the research, such as titles, abstracts, references, author information, affiliation, etc., but also the instruments or information used to carry out the research, research funding or grants, and the organizations that have also participated in the research. 

All signatories to the declaration share that fundamental changes are needed in the way research information is used and produced. Too often, decision-making in science is based on research information that is not open. Errors, gaps and biases in non-open research data lead to indicators and analyses that are not transparent and that make them difficult to replicate. 


All signatories to the declaration share that fundamental changes are needed in the way research information is used and produced.

Open research reporting enables science policy decisions to be based on transparent evidence and inclusive data. It makes the information used in research evaluations accessible and auditable to those being evaluated. It also enables the global movement towards open science to be based on open and transparent information. 

The commitments of the Barcelona Declaration are as follows: 

  • Research information produced and used will by default be open.  

  • Work with services and systems that support open research information. 

  • Support the sustainability of infrastructures for open research information.  

  • Promote collective support actions to accelerate the transition to open research information. 

In addition to the UB, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the University of the Balearic Islands, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Consortium of University Services of Catalonia (CSUC) have joined the Barcelona Declaration.