Closing ceremony of the course on social and community cooking for youngsters from Zona Nord

Students and educators of the course, with the vice-rector Montserrat Puig and the director of the program, Carme Panchón.
Students and educators of the course, with the vice-rector Montserrat Puig and the director of the program, Carme Panchón.

The vice-rector for Equal Opportunities and Gender, Montserrat Puig, and Carme Panchón, director of the university extension course Social and community cooking of the University of Barcelona, presided, on Monday September 20, the closing ceremony for the new edition of this course, launched by UB Solidarity Foundation and the Social Education Platform (PES) Cruïlla from Ciutat Meridiana.


Students and educators of the course, with the vice-rector Montserrat Puig and the director of the program, Carme Panchón.
Students and educators of the course, with the vice-rector Montserrat Puig and the director of the program, Carme Panchón.

The vice-rector for Equal Opportunities and Gender, Montserrat Puig, and Carme Panchón, director of the university extension course Social and community cooking of the University of Barcelona, presided, on Monday September 20, the closing ceremony for the new edition of this course, launched by UB Solidarity Foundation and the Social Education Platform (PES) Cruïlla from Ciutat Meridiana.


The course is aimed at young people aged 18-25 with special difficulties of social and labour incorporation, preferrably from the neighbourhoods of the northern side of the Nou Barris district (Ciutat Meridiana, Torre Baró and Vallbona) and the district as a whole. The aim of the program is to offer them professional training in the sector of hospitality and cuisine, as well as tool to contribute to their personal growth and incorporation to the labour force.

UB Solidarity Foundation has collaborated with this training program for seven years, which reaches its third edition with credit recognition of the University. This initiative is part of the Social and educational intervention program that UB Solidarity Foundation conducts in Zona Nord in Barcelona.


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