The UB at the Mediterranean Student Summit

The University of Barcelona supported the second Mediterranean Student Summit, organized in Morocco by the Union of Mediterranean Universities (UNIMED) and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). Specifically, the UB has promoted the participation in the summit of the student of the bacelor’s degree in Law Maria Sebastià, who emphasizes that the meeting has contributed "to the mutual knowledge and understanding among students of the Mediterranean region".

The University of Barcelona supported the second Mediterranean Student Summit, organized in Morocco by the Union of Mediterranean Universities (UNIMED) and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). Specifically, the UB has promoted the participation in the summit of the student of the bacelor’s degree in Law Maria Sebastià, who emphasizes that the meeting has contributed "to the mutual knowledge and understanding among students of the Mediterranean region".
The student summit took place at Abdelmalek Essaadi University from 20 to 22 September. Maria Sebastià explains that they discussed what kind of university students would like to see in the future and what actions are needed to get there, and "on developing recommendations for the Union for the Mediterranean ministerial conference to make the voice of students heard." "Some topics were university governance, digital education, intercultural dialogue, employability, green education and sustainable development, inclusion and student participation in the academic life, with an emphasis on the gender dimension", she adds. From a more personal point of view, she says: "This student summit has opened my eyes to many problems that we can find in the different countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and that need to be solved in the future".
The first Mediterranean Student Summit took place last year at the University of Barcelona, that currently holds one of the two vice presidencies of UNIMED. This network is made up of universities from 24 countries in the Mediterranean area, including the UB. Its aim is to contribute to scientific, cultural, social, and economic cooperation.
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