The UB has 170 researchers among the most influential in the world

A total of 170 UB research staff are among the 2% of scientists with the greatest influence. They are the most cited in their disciplines, according to the new update of the database published by the publishing group Elsevier, known as the Stanford ranking. The presence of UB scientists has increased compared to the 166 from last year, and the UB is already the Spanish university with more research staff in this group of leading scientists.

A total of 170 UB research staff are among the 2% of scientists with the greatest influence. They are the most cited in their disciplines, according to the new update of the database published by the publishing group Elsevier, known as the Stanford ranking. The presence of UB scientists has increased compared to the 166 from last year, and the UB is already the Spanish university with more research staff in this group of leading scientists.
This group of leading scientists includes more than 50 disciplines from different fields of knowledge: from life and health sciences to experimental sciences (such as physics and chemistry), engineering, social sciences (such as economics), or humanities (such as communication and philology).
Among the 204,643 scientists included in the database, 3,230 are assigned to institutions in Spain. Behind the UB are the Complutense University of Madrid (86), the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (83) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (80).
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the centre with the most outstanding researchers (566), adding all its research centres throughout Spain. In the case of Catalonia, the total number of scientists is 768 (24% of those in Spain), of which 457 (60%) are assigned to public universities.
Globally, the country with the most researchers is the United States. This is followed by the United Kingdom and Germany. China is the country with the largest increase in the number of designated researchers.
The Stanford ranking, which is compiled from information provided by the Scopus database, measures the influence of research staff according to their output and impact in the fields of knowledge to which their publications are assigned. However, it should be noted that institutional affiliations are assigned on the basis of the last article included in Scopus for the period studied, which may affect the results in the case of research staff with more than one affiliation or in the case of temporary mobility, which is inherent to research.