Artificial intelligence: ChatGPT challenges and limits in university teaching

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a disruptive technology which is having a real impact on many spheres of society. The application of innovative tools generated by AI — such as ChatGPT — poses a challenge worldwide, and it will eventually change the way we work, teach and learn in the educational environment.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a disruptive technology which is having a real impact on many spheres of society. The application of innovative tools generated by AI — such as ChatGPT — poses a challenge worldwide, and it will eventually change the way we work, teach and learn in the educational environment.
The UB lecturers Oliver Díaz and Mireia Ribera, from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science have coordinated the book ChatGPT y educación universitaria: posibilidades y límites de ChatGPT como herramienta docente, which was published by Octaedro publishing house. It will be presented in an online session on Monday 4 March, at 3.00 p.m. It aims to find out and debate about the significance of artificial intelligence applications in academic environments.
The presentation will include the participation of the authors of the book: Oliver Díaz, Mireia Ribera, Eloi Puertas and Daniel Ortiz, from the mentioned faculty. The presentation will be followed by an online debate that will include an open question turn. Those interested in attending the presentation need to fill the registration form.
The book is presented as a guideline and it is available on open access for any user. This new digital book aims to share and offer key elements to project a critical view on ChatGPT and promote the debate on its uses in the academic and university fields. Divided into six chapters, it addresses issues about the implementation of this technology in education, misinformation, ethical aspects, and the implications it has for society and education in general.
Professors Eloi Puertas and Daniel Ortiz counted with the participation of David Buchaca, former member of the mentioned faculty, Mariona Grané, from the UB’s Faculty of Education, and Carlos Lopezosa and Javier Guallar, from the UB’s Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media.