Provisional candidacies for the Rectorate elections of the University of Barcelona

The Permanent Electoral Board of the University of Barcelona has provisionally proclaimed the official candidates for the elections to the Rectorate. The candidates are Eugeni Graugés, professor of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics and Dean of the Faculty of Physics, and Joan Guàrdia, professor of Behavioural Sciences Methodology and current rector. The final announcement of the candidates will be made on Friday, 17 November.

The Permanent Electoral Board of the University of Barcelona has provisionally proclaimed the official candidates for the elections to the Rectorate. The candidates are Eugeni Graugés, professor of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics and Dean of the Faculty of Physics, and Joan Guàrdia, professor of Behavioural Sciences Methodology and current rector. The final announcement of the candidates will be made on Friday, 17 November.
There are four groups of voters in the Rectorate’s elections. The votes of each group have a different value: doctoral teaching staff on open-ended contract (the combined vote of this group has a value of 51% of the total); other teaching and research staff (value equivalent to 9% of the total); students (30%); and technical, managerial, and administrative and service staff (10%). In total, around 54,000 people are entitled to vote in these elections.
For further information, visit the website of Elections for the Rectorate 2023.