Quidditch European Tournament

Quidditch European Tournament
03/09/16 - 04/09/16 | 10:00

Third edition for the quidditch European tournament Barcelona Moustaches Time. Twelve teams will take part in this event. They come from eight different European countries (France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Italy and Turkey, apart from Spain). On Saturday 3, from 9 to 16 h, the mini-league will take place in three different pitches at the same time, and on Sunday 4, from 9 h onwards, the play-off will take place and the finals will be at 18 h.

Quidditch is a mix between rugby, handball and prison ball, inspired on the sport played in the novel series Harry Potter. Entrance to all games is free.


UB sports, rugby pitch
Organized by:
Barcelona Eagles Quidditch Team