2018 Particle Physics Workshop

2018 Particle Physics Workshop
09/03/18 | 10:00

New edition of the Particle Physics Workshop, an activity for high school students which is organized as part of the international project on scientific dissemination Hands on Particle Physics. This workshop, titled "Discover particle physics with LHC"  is organized in three parts: first, UB researchers who work at CERN will offer a lecture on particle physics; then the students will analyze real data created in the Large Hadron Collider (the results are combined with those obtained by other groups around the world through a videoconference); last, there will be a short presentation of the courses at the Faculty of Physics and attendants will visit the laboratories.

This workshop will take place on March 9 and 16.


Further information

Faculty of Physics, Aula Magna Enric Casassas
Organized by:
Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB)