Presentation of two research studies on Pasqual Maragall's thought

Conference: “Barcelona metropolitana, xarxa de ciutats. El pensament municipalista i metropolità de Pasqual Maragall”
12/06/17 | 12:00

Mariona Tomàs, lecturer of Political Science, and Marc Pradel, lecturer of Sociology, present the research studies Governar la Barcelona real and Catalunya, xarxa de ciutats, respectively, about Pasqual Maragall's thought. Antoni Castells, professor of Economy and minister of Economy and Finance in the Generalitat de Catalunya during 2003-2010, will close the presentation.


Faculty of Economics and Business, Sala de Graus room
Organized by:
Research Group on Local Studies (GREL) and the Research Group on Creativity, Innovation and Urban Transformation (CRIT) (CRIT)