Networking & Innovation: “Solutions to technology and innovation challenges”

Networking & Innovation: “Solutions to technology and innovation challenges”
28/11/13 | 09:00

The main objective of the initiative is to create a meeting point in knowledge transfer between research institution and business that promotes public-private collaboration, partnership agreements and open innovation. The Networking & Innovation Day (NID) is addresed to national and international business and scientific community and, particularly, to members of the research and innovation system of the University of Barcelona and the entrepreneurial sector generated by the UB Group.

NID opening will be attended by Dídac Ramírez, rector of the UB; Antoni Castellà, secretary for Universities and Research of the Government of Catalonia; Gerard Ardanuy, councillor for Education and Universities of Barcelona City Council; Salvador Alemany, president of the Board of Trustees, and Salvador Maluquer, general director of the Barcelona Science Park. Xavier Marcet, CEO of LTC Project, will pronounces the plenary speech.

Further information


Barcelona Science Park, Auditori
Organized by:
University of Barcelona, Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, Science and Technology Centres of the UB and Barcelona Science Park