Round table talk: “El nou reglament sobre els centres dʼinternament dʼestrangers (CIE): ha valgut la pena lʼespera?”

Round table talk: “El nou reglament sobre els centres dʼinternament dʼestrangers (CIE): ha valgut la pena lʼespera?”
28/04/14 | 18:00

Participating speakers are Markus González Beilfuss, lecturer of Constitutional Law at UB; Fernando Rodríguez Rey, prosecutor of Foreigners in Barcelona; Joaquim Aguirrre, judge with jurisdiction over CIE (immigration removal centre) Zona Franca; Pedro R. Marín Sevilla, director of CIE Zona Franca; José Javier Ordóñez, lawyer and member of the Committee on Foreigners and the Group of Foreigners of the Committee to Defend Humans Rights of ICAB.

Seats are limited, so attendance must be confirmed by sending an email to

Further information


Faculty of Law, Aula Magna
Organized by:
Postgraduate School of the Faculty of Law of UB