Conference: “La dimensió social a lʼEEES”

Conference: “La dimensió social a lʼEEES”
15/10/13 | 12:00

The conference takes place on Tuesday 15 October in the Aula Magna of the UB. It highligths participatory equity and the active, committed and responsible role of students in the University to facilitate the design of public policies. The activity begins at midday and UBTV broadcasts it.

The conference is organised by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Students and Language Policy and the Observatory on Students and Studies of the UB. Antonio Ariño, vice-rector for Culture and Equality of the University of Valencia and director of Campus Vivendi, will explain the crucial role that social cohesion promotion and university access inequality reduction play in students' results and career. In addition, some members of the Observatory will describe their experience at the organization as examples of good practices.

Àngels Alegre, director of the Observatory on Students and Studies of the UB, and Ibai Gorriti moderate the conference, which will be opened by the vice-rector for Students and Language Policy, Gemma Fonrodona.

Further information


Historic Building, Aula Magna
Organized by:
Office of the Vice-Rector for Students and Language Policy and Observatory on Students and Studies of the UB