Final session and award ceremony for the 5th Crystallization at School Contest

Final session and award ceremony for the 5th Crystallization at School Contest
06/05/16 | 10:00

Around 1.700 students from around 50 Catalan schools have participated in the 5th Crystallization at School Contest, a call that wants to promote the importance of the crystall world in society, and wants to promote the study, systematic work, scientific thinking and communication among young students throughout atractive crystallization experiments. The contest is aimed at teachers and students of second cycle of secundary education (ESO) and upper secundary school education (batxillerat).

Further information [Catalan]


CosmoCaixa (carrer Isaac Newton, 26)
Organized by:
Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili i Obra Social la Caixa