Final LIFE TRivers conference: “Avenços i perspectives de futur per a la gestió dels rius temporals”

Final LIFE TRivers conference: “Avenços i perspectives de futur per a la gestió dels rius temporals”
03/05/18 - 04/05/18 | 10:57

The main aim of this meeting is to share the actions and results of the European project LIFE Trivers, which involved managers, scientists, entities and mainly, citizens who are interested in the management of temporary rivers.

The final conference is structured into two parts. In the first one, to take place on May 3 in Palau Robert, they will present the main results of the project, in particular the development of the TREHS software (Temporary Rivers Ecological and Hydrological Status) to assess the ecological and hydrological state of rivers. In the second, on Friday May 4, the headquarters of the Catalan Water Agency will hold a course on the TREHS software for those interested in knowing about its functioning.


Registration via this form is required in order to take part in the sessions.

Further information

Palau Robert (May 3) and the Catalan Water Agency (May 4)
Organized by:
LIFE TRivers Project