Exhibition: “La ciència en la filatèlia”

12/09/11 - 30/12/12 | 09:00

The exhibition "La ciència en la filatèlia" gives visitors the chance to see special edition stamps from a range of countries featuring scientists such as Linné, Darwin, Buffon, Einstein, Marie Curie, Ramón y Cajal, Trueta, Ochoa, Pi i Sunyer, Ferran i Clua, Oró and Marañón, and important events related to the world of science. There are also a range of institutional stamps, for example from the Royal Academy of Medicine and the Institute of Catalan Studies.

Also on exhibit are stamps commemorating the International Year of Astronomy (2010) and the International Year of Chemistry (2011) and editions featuring images of plants, animals and geological features, as well as a selection of stamps featuring scientific instrumentation such as microscopes and cameras from different periods.

Faculty of Biology, Margalef Building, Agora
Organized by:
Department of Cell Biology