Exhibition: “G. N. Lewis i lʼenllaç químic. 100 anys compartint parells dʼelectrons”

Exhibition: “G. N. Lewis i lʼenllaç químic: 100 anys compartint parells dʼelectrons”
09/11/16 - 31/12/16 | 14:14

In the early 20th century, most physicians and chemists had accepted that matter was made of atoms and that electrical force was in charge of keeping them together. However, organic compounds were an important challenge: how could electrical forces, attracting between particles with opposed charges of the same sign, be the responsible of the links between two atoms of the same type? Gilbert N. Lewis was the first one to answer this in the article "The atom and the molecule" in 1916. The new exhibition in the Physics and Chemistry CRAI Library, commissioned by Miquel Seco, professor at the Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry Department, gives homage to this physicochemist and his studies on electrons.

The opening ceremony will take place on November 9 at 12 h, in Aula Magna Enric Casassas of the faculties of Physics and Chemistry. Over the course of the event, professor Agustí Nieto Galan, from the Centre for the Study of the History of Science (CEHIC-UAB), will give the conference 'Gilbert N. Lewis "The atom and the molecule" (1916): història, memòria i identitat".

Further information

Physics and Chemistry CRAI Library
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Physics and Chemistry CRAI Library