Course: “Les filòsofes i els seus mestres. Exili, pensament i política”

Course: “Les filòsofes i els seus mestres. Exili, pensament i política”
01/12/14 - 02/12/14 | 09:00

Second edition of the seminar "Les filòsofes i els seus mestres. Exili, pensament i política", within the research projects Filòsofes del segle XX. Mestres, vincles i divergències. It is a two-day course organised by Fina Birulés and Rosa Rius Gatell. Emilia Bea and Neus Campillo, from the University of Valencia; Elena Laurenzi, from the University of Salento, and Georgina Rabassó, Marta Segarra and Edgar Straehle, from the University of Barcelona, participate in the seminar.

Further information



Seminar of the Department History of Philosophy, Aesthetics and Cultural Philosophy
Organized by:
Seminari Filosofia i Gènere and Research Group on Women's Creation and Thought