Conference: “Què ens fa únics? Un viatge fins a lʼesquelet de la individualitat humana”

Conference: “Què ens fa únics? Un viatge fins a lʼesquelet de la individualitat humana”
06/02/20 | 18:00

Conference by David Gallardo-Pujol, lecturer at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology. This conference is included in the cycle Dialegs a la Ramon y Cajal, an initiative aiming to train the students in some of the big e questions of our time.

The cycle has six sessions to be carried out by experts of the UB and to treat topics from fields such as philosophy, economics, psychology, medicine and biology. The aim is to provide students with tools to broaden their knowledge, mature judgment and reason, and understand our current world. 



Link to the UB article

Historical Building, Ramón y Cajal room
Organized by:
UB Student Observatory