Conference: “Dones intel·lectuals”

Conference: “Dones intel·lectuals”
28/11/18 | 18:30

The conference "Dones intel·lectuals" closes the series Doblement Invisibles, which took back contributions carried out in several life stages by women who were silenced in history in the fields of arts, sciences, sports and politics, among others.

This last session will be focused on the contributions by Irene Polo, journalist, publicist and Catalan theatre representative, and the pianist Maria Canals. Elvira Altés, lecturer at the Faculty of Communication of UAB, and Ana M. Dávila, journalist, will  talk about it. Other participants will be Elsa Artadi, minister of the Presidency, and Agustí Colomines, academic director of the Josep Termes Chair.

Attendance requires confirmation via email (

Kitchen of Francesca Bonnemaison (Carrer de Sant Pere més, Baix 7, 08003 Barcelona)
Organized by:
UB Chair Josep Termes and the Catalan Institute of Women, with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council and other entities